Friday, September 28, 2012

I used to be a print journalist but...

now, I have to be a multimedia journalist.  At least that's the way things way things are headed in terms of journalism these days.

Being a multimedia journalist involves more than just say, going to a city council, county commission, or some other local government meeting, and writing at least a brief article for the daily newspaper.  It can also involve shooting and editing video, recording and editing audio, producing photo galleries, and even soundslide documentaries.

But what exactly defines multimedia journalism?  Perhaps the following articles might shed some light on what it is, and what it might be going forward.

Defining Multimedia Journalism (University of Texas-Austin)--(2004)

Click here

What is Multimedia Journalism (Rowan University)--(2009)

Click here 

What is a Multimedia Story? (Knight Digital Media Center via the University of California-Berkeley)--(2011)

Click here

Remember, this isn't a complete list, just a few tools to get started on moving forward, on learning more about multimedia journalism.  Good luck.
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