Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another reason to A-M-Y (Always Market Yourself)

Watch the video below, and find out for yourself, courtesy of

Click here to watch it.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

U.S. trails Canada/Europe in adoption of new media

Think the U.S. is leading the way in the adoption of new media and related technologies? 

Think again.

The latest post from tells you which nations are tops in embracing new media, by clicking here.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Treating the job search like "dating"

With Valentine's Day already here in multiple parts of the world, as this post is being written, here's a brief word about treating the search just like you're "dating" (1) a potential employer.

For instance, suppose there's a job opening at a company you'd really "love" to work for.  Like a single person who's looking to get a date, you surf the Internet searching the "perfect" job.  Of course, nobody's perfect, so why look for the "perfect" job?  There's no such thing.

For the most part, there are many job searches where the "love" flows just one way: toward the employer.  Usually, that doesn't end well.  That's especially the case after, for example, after you've left a job interview (2) hoping for that next call, which is hoping to land another interview, or better yet, a job offer.  

Only that call never comes.  Which leaves you feeling like you've been left, well, at the altar.

Here are several more tips to treat the job search like "dating".

5 Ways the Job Search is like Dating (Careerealism)

Job Searches Done the Dating Site Way (

Job Searching is a lot like dating (

Other sources

(1):  10 Ways Job Searching Is Like Dating ( 

(2):  Job searching is a lot like dating (Unabashedly Me blog: 

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