Friday, April 11, 2014

Worth Reading This Weekend: How to fix a broken journalism career

If and when you get a chance this weekend, please read all five posts in the series, "Broken Careers." It's a very well-written series posted by Warren Watson, executive director of the Society of American Business Writers and Editors (SABEW).  

In the series, Watson writes about how some current and former journalists are adjusting to the journalism in the digital age, including a former photographer who now sells pizzas for a living in Washington State.

Click the links to read all five parts in the series, courtesy of SABEW.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4 

Part 5

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Why your brand needs an in-depth blog

2014 is almost one month old, and your brand is struggling to get noticed.  So what do you do? GLD Enterprises Commercial Writing has the answer to that problem here.

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